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5 things you can do today to help your nervous system

Updated: Oct 22, 2023

  1. Do something new. While doing novel movement, we take in more information about what is happening in the moment, which makes it more likely for our brain to choose a nervous system state reflective of our surroundings.

  2. Let go of ‘shoulds’. Our autonomic nervous system is responsible for the fight/flight or rest/digest response in the body, and it is totally controlled by the unconscious brain. When we try to control our body or environment consciously, its puts us under a state of stress because our brain unconsciously assumes something must be wrong. Allow your body’s response to be what it is and let go of any idea of how it should be.

  3. Pay attention to something physical in your immediate environment. If our attention is not on something real here and now, like the room we are in or the bones in our body, then we don’t have enough sensory information to know for sure that we are safe, so our unconscious brain will protect us by putting us into a fight/flight state.

  4. Use a weighted blanket. Weighted blankets give us so much sensory feedback about where our body is, and all of that helps our brain have enough information about our current environment to choose a more appropriate nervous system state. You can also use a book or pillow on your lap or chest. Just notice the item on you, and where it contacts your body.

  5. Ask for a hug. As our body moves into the conservation of energy states, which are the later stages of the sympathetic nervous system (read more about that here) our diaphragm systems slow down. Physical touch speeds these up as our unconscious brain responds to the other person touching us.


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